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رحله تهبل تهبل بمعنى الكلمه رحنا لها تاريخ 2024 8 22 كانت وايد حلوه ولكن اول مره كانت احلى من ثاني مره لان ثاني مره تحس انك عارف كل شي اول مره حلوه والي يزورها مره لا يزورها ثاني مره لان ماراح تكون بمتعة الاولى 🤍🤍🤍
White water was fun, atv was a follow the guide at just more than walking pace boring andhave 2 b over 16 to ride dosnt say that in the add, zip line ok but not very long about 30seconds and its over ,water hole was good for a swim, food was nice
The 2 guides on the rafts that we had were absolutely amazing… it was all so well planned and
organised. Lunch as the boys said “was the best lunch ever”
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