Phi Phi Islands by Big boat


  • Lunch at Phi Phi Don (Indian food/ Vegetarian/Gluten-Free and Halal food available)
  • Улирлын чанартай жимс
  • Мэргэжлийн баг
  • Аялалд мэргэжлийн англи хөтөч
  • Snorkelling equipment
  • Аврах хантааз
  • Free roundtrip transfer from Patong, Kata, Karon, Phuket Town


  • Entrance fee or (National park fee) of 400THB/adult and 200THB/child
  • Бусад хувийн зардал
  • Согтууруулах ундаа
  • Fin
  • Алчуур
  • Extra of 20THB/Person for maintenance beach at Ton Sai pier
Явах & Буцах
Үнэгүй авах бүс
  • Chalong, Siray Bay, Patong, Kata, Karon, Phuket town
Нэмэлт цэнэглэх бүс
  • Rawai, Naiharn, Kamala, Cape Panwa - 200 THB - Per Person ▪ Surin, Bang Tao, Laguna - 300 THB - Per Person ▪ Royal Marina, Villa Zolitude, Ko Kaew - 1000 THB - Per Car ▪ Mai Khao, Naithon, Naiyang, Layan, Airport - 1500 THB - Per Car ▪

Юу авчрах вэ

  • Камер
  • Усан сэлэлтийн өрөө
  • Beach shoes
  • Хуурай хувцасны багц
  • Шавж үргээгч
  • Нарнаас хамгаалах тос
  • Малгай
  • Нарны шил
  • Cash for personal expense on Phi Phi Don
Юу хүлээх вэ
  • 07:00-07:30 am - Pick up from your hotel with share transfer and head to the pier with a warm welcome.
  • 08:00 am - Check in arrive at Sea angle pier our private pier, Good morning brief by our friendly and energetic tour guide introduce program tour including details and safety instructions with smile and laugh. National Park Fee pay at the pier.
  • 08:45 am - Departure from the pier heading to sightseeing Phi Phi Leh, sightseeing Maya bay, Lohsama bay, Pileh lagoon with a stunning vertical cliffs capped with green foliage give way to small sandy beaches and tropical coral seas, enjoy trip with our service minded staff
  • Viking cave - locally called Tham Phaya Nak, Viking Cave owes its name to the paintings found on the eastern and southern walls of the cave.
  • Enjoy snorkeling with emerald crystal water among various fishes and coral reefs. at the nearby Monkey beach. small beach depending on the watertight
  • 01.15 pm - Enjoy delicious lunch at phi phi don relaxing along the beach
  • 03.15 pm - Say goodbye to the departure of the island from phi phi islands to Phuket
  • 05.00 pm - Arrive at our pier safety, say thank you to our lovely customers, and transfer back to your hotel
  • Шүүмж өгсөнд баярлалаа!

    Таны санал хүсэлт бидэнд үйлчилгээгээ сайжруулахад тусална.

    Зөвхөн энэ бүтээгдэхүүнийг худалдан авсан хэрэглэгчид сэтгэгдэл үлдээх боломжтой

    • Gold class will have an electric chair with a free-flowing snack and drink for the entire trip.
    • The silver class will have a bigger chair that is more comfortable than the standard class
    • For your safety. The daily program can be changed without prior notice, depending on the tide and the weather conditions on that day.
    • This tour is not recommended for pregnant women, children under one year of age, or people suffering from any medical or physical disability.
    • Аялал жуулчлалын үеэр шаардлагагүй эд зүйл, үнэт зүйлийг авч явахгүй байхыг анхааруулж байна, учир нь компани аливаа алдагдал, эвдрэлийг хариуцахгүй.
    • Children under the age of 3 are free of charge.
    • Please note that infants must be sitting on laps.
    • Indian, vegan, vegetarian, gluten-free, and halal food are available. If you have any dietary requirements, please indicate your preferences at check-out (Request on Tour)
    • Please note that national park fees are excluded from the tour price. Please prepare cash for this. This fee is a maintenance fee collected by the Thai government. No exceptional)
    • Энэ нь хамтын шилжүүлэг бөгөөд эрт эсвэл хожуу авах боломжтой гэдгийг анхаарна уу
    • Please wait at the hotel lobby before the time specified on the confirmation email
    • Any lateness from your side will be auto-canceled with a charge of 100%.
    • The driver could be late by 15–30 minutes due to traffic or any unwanted clauses.

    Төлбөрийг бүрэн буцаан авахын тулд эхлэх өдрөөс 24 цагийн өмнө өөрийн туршлагаа цуцална уу.
    , Хэрэв завь хөлөг онгоцны зогсоолоос гарахад цаг агаар аюулгүй биш бол аяллыг цуцална. Дараа нь та мөнгөө буцаан авах хүсэлт гаргах эсвэл аялалын хуваарийг өөр өдөр хийх боломжтой болно.

    Түгээмэл асуултууд
    How much for National Park Fee ? Normally, the entrance fee for adults is 400 THB and for children is 200 THB. However, the government sometimes changes these prices, so we cannot guarantee the exact price. In some cases, the entrance fee may be half price or even free.
    How can pay for national park fee? We suggest pay cash on tour