James Bond Island Tour: Explore Iconic Scenery & Hidden Coves
Experience the legendary James Bond Island, a must-visit destination in Phang Nga Bay! Explore stunning rock formations, crystal-clear waters, and white-sand beaches. Discover the island’s fascinating history, made famous by “The Man with the Golden Gun,” and enjoy unforgettable canoeing adventures through hidden caves and lagoons.
Онцлох үйл явдал:
Book your James Bond Island Tour today and experience the adventure!
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шалгах_тойрог Баталгаажсан
Дэлгүүрийн эзэн гэж хариулав
Энэ тус болсон уу
Худалдан авагч
шалгах_тойрог Баталгаажсан
Дэлгүүрийн эзэн гэж хариулав
Энэ тус болсон уу
Таны санал хүсэлт бидэнд үйлчилгээгээ сайжруулахад тусална.
Одоогоор шүүмж байхгүй байна.
Хамгийн түрүүнд шүүмжлээрэй " ”
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Түгээмэл асуултууд
♦ Where is best to do snorkeling, Phi Phi or James bond ? – Please note that for the James bond Island program, with any type of boat will be no snorkel. As the area around the island is not suitable for do diving.
♦ Can we go to both Phi Phi and James bond in one day? – ์You can’t do both on the same day. Cause both islands are in different directions.