Паттайя дахь хагас өдрийн зааны ширэнгэн ойн дархан цаазат газар

Ethical Elephant Encounters at Elephant Jungle Sanctuary Pattaya

Experience the joy of interacting with rescued elephants at Elephant Jungle Sanctuary Pattaya, an ethical and sustainable eco-tourism project. Learn about elephant care, contribute to their well-being, and create unforgettable memories with these gentle giants.

Онцлох үйл явдал:

  • Ethical Interactions: Engage with elephants in a respectful and responsible manner, prioritizing their well-being.
  • Learn About Elephants: Gain insights into elephant behavior, history, and conservation efforts from expert guides.
  • Hands-On Experiences: Participate in activities like feeding, bathing, and walking alongside elephants.
  • Support Sanctuary Efforts: Contribute to the rescue and rehabilitation of elephants in need.
  • Sustainable Tourism: Promote responsible tourism practices that benefit both elephants and the local community.
  • Educational Experience: Learn about the challenges facing elephants and how you can help protect them.
  • Мартагдашгүй дурсамжууд: Create lasting memories while making a positive impact on elephant conservation.

Book your visit to Elephant Jungle Sanctuary Pattaya and experience the magic of ethical elephant encounters!


  • Bottled water
  • Coffee & Tea
  • Seasonal Fresh fruits
  • Lunch or Dinner (Vegan/ Vegetarian/Gluten-Free and Halal food available)
  • Мэргэжлийн англи хэлний хөтөч
  • Roundtrip transfer (Please check Departure & Return)
  • Accident Insurance
  • Заан тэжээх хоол
  • E-CO Bag
  • Photography


  • Согтууруулах ундаа
  • Зөвлөмж, урамшуулал
  • Бусад хувийн зардал
Явах & Буцах
Үнэгүй авах бүс
  • Central Pattaya, South Pattaya, North Pattaya
Нэмэлт цэнэглэх бүс

Юу авчрах вэ

  • Камер
  • Усан сэлэлтийн өрөө
  • Хуурай хувцасны багц
  • Шавж үргээгч
  • Нарнаас хамгаалах тос
  • Малгай
  • Нарны шил
  • Алчуур


Юу хүлээх вэ
  • 06:30-07:00 or 12:30-13:00. Pick up from your hotel or accommodation in Pattaya city.
  • Drive approximately 30-60 minutes southeast of Pattaya City to Khao Mai Kaew District.
  • Arrive at Elephant Jungle Sanctuary Pattaya. Enjoy a welcome snack, sip tea or coffee, and learn about elephants as you are given an introduction to our program.
  • Meet the elephants. Feed them and Play, interact, and take photos with the elephants in a natural setting.
  • Mud spa with the elephants. Join the elephants in our specially constructed outdoor ‘Elephant Shower Room’ and cool down as you bathe them.
  • Eat a lunch or Dinner of traditional Thai food and seasonal fruit, before saying goodbye to the friendly elephants you can learn how to learn how to make Elephant poop paper.
  • 10:30 or 16:30 Leave the Elephant Jungle Sanctuary
  • 10:45 or 16:45. Drop off at your hotel or accommodation.
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    • Visitor From Bangkok will be responsible for arranging transport either to a designated meeting point (Elephant Jungle Sanctuary Pattaya New Location) (Please note that the fare for a taxi or other mode of transport to the chosen meeting point is payable by the visitor, and Elephant Jungle Sanctuary Pattaya will not pay for transport or reimburse costs incurred).
    • We do not force elephants to do any activity that they don’t want to do. As well as in the Mud spa and shower, that also depends on the elephant’s satisfaction.
    • Guests who are pregnant or wheelchair-bound are required to inform us of their condition, you will need to sign a waiver stating that you are in good health and that you understand you will be participating in a tour that involves large animals.
    • Аялал жуулчлалын үеэр шаардлагагүй эд зүйл, үнэт зүйлийг авч явахгүй байхыг анхааруулж байна, учир нь компани аливаа алдагдал, эвдрэлийг хариуцахгүй.
    • 3-аас доош насны хүүхдүүд үнэ төлбөргүй.
    • Нярай хүүхэд өвөр дээрээ сууж байх ёстойг анхаарна уу.
    • Vegan / Vegetarian / Gluten-Free and Halal food available. If you have any dietary requirements, please indicate your preferences at check out (Request on Tour)
    • Баталгаажуулах имэйл дээр заасан хугацаанаас өмнө Зочид буудлын Лобби дээр хүлээнэ үү
    • Таны талаас хоцорсон тохиолдолд 100%-ийн төлбөрийг автоматаар цуцлах болно.
    • Жолооч замын хөдөлгөөн болон хүсээгүй заалтаас болж 15-30 минут хоцорч магадгүй.
    • Cancellation for group individual travelers (G.I.T.) no less than 7 days before the departure date.
    • Cancellation for the free individual traveler (F.I.T.) no less than 3 days before the departure date.
    • You can either change your reservation date / hold your reservation for a further visit must be made at least 24 hours before the departure date without any charges.

    Төлбөрийг бүрэн буцаан авахын тулд эхлэх өдрөөс 24 цагийн өмнө өөрийн туршлагаа цуцална уу.
    , Хэрэв аялалд хангалттай зорчигч захиалаагүй бол аяллыг цуцална. Энэ тохиолдолд та мөнгөө буцаан авах хүсэлт гаргах эсвэл аяллын огноогоо өөрчлөх боломжтой.

    Түгээмэл асуултууд