Aquarium Phuket and Trick Eye Museum

Phuket Aquarium: Immerse Yourself in the Wonders of the Underwater World

Embark on a mesmerizing journey through the depths of the ocean at Phuket Aquarium, the largest and most impressive aquarium in Thailand. Discover over 25,000 fascinating marine creatures, explore diverse underwater ecosystems, and be amazed by interactive exhibits and educational experiences.

Онцлох үйл явдал:

  • Thailand’s Largest Aquarium: Explore a vast underwater world with diverse marine life from around the globe.
  • Interactive Exhibits: Engage with fascinating displays and learn about the wonders of the ocean.
  • 25,000+ Marine Creatures: Encounter sharks, penguins, sea turtles, colorful fish, and many more.
  • Educational Experiences: Discover the mysteries of the deep sea and the importance of marine conservation.
  • Family Fun: Enjoy a memorable day out for all ages with interactive zones and educational programs.
  • Central Phuket Floresta: Conveniently located within Central Phuket Floresta, offering shopping and dining options.

Book your tickets to Phuket Aquarium today and dive into an unforgettable underwater adventure!


  • Ticket Only


  • No any meal offered
  • Тээвэр 


Явах & Буцах
Үнэгүй авах бүс
  • Санал болгоогүй
Нэмэлт цэнэглэх бүс

Юу авчрах вэ

  • Камер
  • Хувийн зардалд зориулсан бэлэн мөнгө
Юу хүлээх вэ
  • Arrive at Central Phuket (Floresta) by your own transportation
  • Walking to B1 Floor at Central Phuket Floresta to Aquaria
  • Warm greeting from staff and get information before starting enter inside aquarium
  • A magical underwater journey that takes you through the wonders of the ocean and the mysteries of the rivers. Be entertained and inspired by over 25,000 animals and interact with our knowledgeable and friendly staff to learn more about the wonders of the ocean. This zone have 9 zones for you to Explore our creature zones!
  • Continue to TRICK EYE'S WORLD OF 4D. Be entertained by the mystical encounter, feel your adrenaline rush, overcome your fears, feel the love in the air, escape into fantasy and experience the trick world!
  • Finish the program say goodbye to the lovely animal and transfer back to your hotel or shopping enjoy your day at the mall
  • Шүүмж өгсөнд баярлалаа!

    Таны санал хүсэлт бидэнд үйлчилгээгээ сайжруулахад тусална.

    Зөвхөн энэ бүтээгдэхүүнийг худалдан авсан хэрэглэгчид сэтгэгдэл үлдээх боломжтой

    • Аялал жуулчлалын үеэр шаардлагагүй эд зүйл, үнэт зүйлийг авч явахгүй байхыг анхааруулж байна, учир нь компани аливаа алдагдал, эвдрэлийг хариуцахгүй.
    • 3-аас доош насны хүүхдүүд үнэ төлбөргүй.
    • Open daily from 10.30 – 19.00 hrs. (Last admission at 18.00 hrs.)

    Төлбөрийг бүрэн буцаан авахын тулд эхлэх өдрөөс 24 цагийн өмнө өөрийн туршлагаа цуцална уу.

    Түгээмэл асуултууд